Todxs Nós (2020– )
Good idea and good execution.
24 April 2023
The idea of bringing together the themes that surround the people of these times, (from the most important to those that apparently are not), seemed very good to me.

Sexual diversity, Gender diversity, Machismo and Feminism, Racism, Homo and Transphobia, Toxic and healthy masculinities, Harassment / Abuse, Veganism.

Family, religious, work, police, institutional and medical violence. HIV+. Polyamor and affective responsibility. Pansexuality, Demisexuality, etc., Use of light drugs (marijuana), and Non-Binary Language.

There were really many topics addressed (and not all, for example, there were no unwanted pregnancies and legal or illegal abortions). Some of the themes seem to have no connection with the others, but all of them together make up the current reality of thousands of people and is transversal to all social classes, because although this series shows characters from the "middle class" of Sao Paulo, Brazil, which opens the possibility of a hopeful future, if this had been developed with characters from the lower class, working class, marginal, etc. It would be the same, but with the addition of economic pressure to survive (which leads to more abuse, prostitution, abuse of more toxic drugs, more violence, jail, etc.) plus the ignorance and influence of evangelical churches, they would just end up being tragic stories.

So, trying to show/teach the public about All this reality, through a TV series, seems like a great idea to me. And I think that in large part that work was very well done!
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