Doctor Who: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos (2018)
Season 11, Episode 10
The actors and writing somehow get worse every episode!
25 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was a disaster, which I suppose is a fitting end to the most awful season of Doctor Who I've seen so far. If you enjoy seeing the 13th doctor's awkward smile that looks as if she's looking at something that's dead and rotten and gross, and if you enjoy listening to her constant out-of-breath stressful voice, then maybe you'll enjoy this episode, because there's more of it than ever.

What I can't stand the most is the extremely boring companion characters. They have the most uninteresting personalities, and to top it off Graham is the most expressionless character I have ever seen on a television screen in all of my life. No matter what he says or does he has that annoying kind of "oh well" or "okidoki" look on his face. He's unfazed by everything, and his character almost distracts me from what truly ruined the 13th doctor's potential, which is the horrible fanfic-level shallow writing! I mean seriously, has anyone ever experienced such hollow obvious moral messaging before as the season 11 writing? I sincerely hope they fire this writer/showrunner and bring back someone who knows what they're doing, like Moffat... And for the love of God give us some interesting companions again! This "fam" of the 13th's are all awful!
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