Christmas Child - What Answers Are There To A Mysterious Past?
29 April 2023
A good friend bought me this film on DVD. While not being one I had heard of, watched it out of curiosity and turned out to be quite a surprise. It didn't particularly sound like much but with a story by prolific writer Max Lucado thought it might have something to offer. Then there was the Director William Ewing, a big production directorial honcho at Sony Pictures with a string of massive hits under his name. Ewing, gave up the fame and fortune to start his own not-for-profit production company! An admirable move indeed.

As soon as this film began the production values were obvious, cinematography by Spanish born Fernando Arguellies offering highly stylised visuals, fetchingly compiled music score and strong performances from a varied professional cast - telling the story of an adopted big city journalist searching for a connection to his past history. His search begins with only a mysterious photograph left to him by his recently departed adoptive father.

The adapted screenplay may have omitted some details from the original story or there may have been post production cuts (?) as there are a couple of odd situations (and characters) that transpire during his search - leaving some things a little up in the air. But the story was intriguing enough to keep the viewer interested, and apart from the odd bits it was highly entertaining (maybe it needs a second viewing to sort out some fine details, occasionally stories can be like that?). If wanting a rest from the endless comic book superheroes, car chases, and explosions, this thoughtful film is a refreshing contender.
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