Louis C.K. at the Dolby (2023 TV Special)
old guy tries too hard to be edgy
2 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Louis certainly has a reputation for his material, and behaviour. Most of his jokes are either pure attempts at shock humour, or just focusing on many taboo subjects.. His jokes touch on racist tropes, killing children, molesting children, killing the elderly, elderly gay guys sex, all the usual sort of things you'd expect Louis rotted out brain to vomit forth. His delivery is okay, timing etc. But the actual substance of his material is not in itself very funny. Sure, it has that OMGdidhereallysaythat reaction from many of the audience members after Louis plunges even further down the path of bad taste, but within the context of creativity as comedy, it is unoriginal and tired. I'd prefer to see Louis develop his act in to new areas, as he can be very funny, but his choice of subject matter is boring, predictable and lazy. A parody of himself being wrung out in public until there's nothing left to wring.
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