I liked it.
26 May 2023
The mad scientist movie meets gothic horror in this Elizabeth Báthory-inspired chiller from director Riccardo Freda (with a little help from his cinematographer Mario Bava, who completed the film). Dario Michaelis plays Parisian journalist Pierre Lantin, who is investigating a series of murders in which the young female victims are found completely drained of blood.

Pierre's enquiries lead him to the home of Gisele Du Grand (Gianna Maria Canale), niece of the mysterious Margherita du Grand, but what he doesn't realise is that Gisele and Margherita are one and the same, scientist Julian Du Grand having used the murdered girls' blood to turn back the years for the elderly woman.

The story is fairly routine gothic horror nonsense, and there are no vampires whatsoever, but what elevates the film are the excellent direction, the stylish black and white photography and the amazing set design, the ominous Du Grand castle and creepy crypt being particularly impressive. When a film looks this good, it's easy to forgive a less than stellar plot (which is more than a tad rushed and confusing towards the end thanks to extensive last-minute rewrites).
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