Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Wasn't too bad
12 June 2023
Animated to live action work is a big challenge because you already have in your mind what the material is "supposed" to be. Sometimes, the adaptation of the source material goes overboard and then you have angry fans and cruel critics.

I thought this live action adaptation of Cowboy Bebop was okay. The three main players did alright with what they were given. They had a good chemistry going.

The dark themes and action from the animated series were done well; not great mind you, but enough to come back for more.

The villains in my opinion didn't really live up to the source material. There was something lacking in them.

One villain who was my favorite who was featured in Session 20 of the original made his way into this adaptation; he didn't seem as diabolical as his animated counterpart. And in the original, while this said villain got his own episode his own plot in a stand alone story, for the live action version, he recruited by the main villain to wreak his havoc with our protagonists. That didn't work too well in my opinion.

But other than those gripes, the creators of the live action version did get the bounty hunter aspect of Cowboy Bebop right and Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts were tapped to return to do the music for this one as they did for the original, a big plus.

It is a hard sell to adapt any animated hit into a live action fare, and Cowboy Bebop was no exception. So called hard core fans didn't really like it.

But despite some of my criticisms, I didn't think it sucked too bad. While not perfect, they got a couple of things right.

It's a shame there won't be more seasons coming out. Ed who was prominently featured in sixteen Sessions of the original debuted briefly on the final episode and it appeared will begin future episodes. But to no avail.

This iteration of Cowboy Bebop was not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it had potential and should have been given another season or so.

Check it out and see what you think.
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