Unlikable characters; predictable yet confusing
29 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story felt like a creative writing project of a pretentious college sophomore who wants there to be important symbolism and thinks they've written an original, cerebral film, when it is in fact both predictable and confusing- not in a fun way.

I almost didn't write a review because so many of the reviews here are what I want to say anyhow. Firstly, both Sarah and Mia/Alice are completely annoying. I don't feel bad for the little girl even though I probably should, and I don't feel bad for Sarah- in fact I kept wishing that her ex husband would swoop in and get full custody of Mia.

Second, there's the question of whether or not Mia was possessed by Alice, or Sarah was just hallucinating the entire experience out of grief, triggered by Mia turning 7 (the age Alice was when Sarah killed her) is unclear and not in a fun "left for us to decide" way. It's just frustrating, among many other things, such as Mia/Alice flopping back and forth- why isn't Mia asking questions about Alice? Why is Alice seemingly asking questions about herself? Does she just want Sarah to talk? Why does no one notice that Sarah is tormenting and hurting her child? Why does Sarah keep leaving her child alone even though she might be possessed or self harming? So many questions unanswered in a way that was completely unsatisfying.

Third, I suppose Mia, being called "bunny" by Sarah, is the rabbit who should run in the title, because her mother and apparently Alice's ghost (?) is out to get her, but the imagery of the rabbit seems to serve no purpose, or at least none that I've figured out.

Lastly, WHY does it take Sarah SO LONG to tell us, or anyone, what happened? The audience had the whole traumatic sister murder figured out way before she even said it. Not suspenseful. Just annoying.
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