Meet Me in New York (2022 TV Movie)
Feel good tale with its heart in the right place
8 July 2023
There's actually a line in the script that requires the lead man to state the immortal words "That was the worst acting ever". It suggests that the film's makers didn't take themselves too seriously and that is the best way to approach watching this movie. There is a sense in which the idea of a lavish party for a ten-year old child, complete with hired alpacas, is extravagant and beyond what most viewers will have experienced in their own lives. But this is escapist fantasy and, in any case, wait to see how the party turns out! There's a (lightly peddled) moral message here and I enjoyed watching it. There are several 'should they or shouldn't they' dilemmas running in parallel (a promotion, a move abroad, letting down a friend, should they even turn up to the party?) and I think it all knitted together quite nicely. This is not great cinematic art and neither is it a waste of time. Agreed, the New York depicted is a very clean and safe version and I'm not sure the Canadian lead actress convinces as a daughter of the South, but these are distractions. My advice is to follow the plot as it unravels and recognise it for being a simple, well-intentioned piece of family film-making. If you have a ten year-old child to watch it with you, it will be the perfect recipe and give you lots to discuss afterwards.
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