King of the Ants (I) (2003)
Dull characters make for a dull movie
15 August 2023
This story of a "nobody" hired by thugs who think they're "somebody" isn't out of the ordinary in real life. There are people like the thugs, who are totally unmotivated save for their desire to satisfy sadistic cravings.

And that's what it boils down to here. The thugs hire a "nobody" to do some nonsense job, and then refuse to pay him and try to kill him.

The entire deal is just like real thugs. Real thugs are dull sadists, who don't have a real reason to do what they do.

Real thugs are dumb. They will spend thousands of total work hours, squandering thousands of dollars, to make a thousand dollars for a negative net profit.

Everything they do is for the sheer desire to be sadistic.

And that's realistic. People from the hood have seen it.

However, it makes for a dull movie. Sadists are dull people. None of the reactions are realistic, particularly from the character they are abusing. Of course he is young and naive enough to think these sadists have motivations besides sheer demonic pleasure, so we buy into that, but it's just a dull story.
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