Sherlock Holmes in New York (1976 TV Movie)
Our hero doing his thing on American soil
23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As its name indicates, "Sherlock Holmes in New York" is yet another member of the vast and sprawling Sherlock Holmes family. This time our hero pursues his calling in the USA, in order to foil a devilish plan thought up by the irrepressible Professor Moriarty. (All together now : "If I can make it there...") The stakes are high, given that one of the crimes involved has the potential to spark a World War.

The movie is not without its assets : the plot is reasonably interesting, the various actors put in an honest day's work and the sets and costumes rise to the occasion. Sadly the movie also suffers from a serious case of miscasting. The Holmes character is supposed to have a certain aloof coldness about him, but here the part was given to Roger Moore, who is too charming, too approachable and too handsome for the role. As a viewer, you constantly expect him to pay a visit to a casino and trade witty double-entendres with knowing lovelies.

The plot requires Holmes to elude the attention of malevolent watchers, not once but several times. You'll notice how none of these watchers seem gifted with eagle eyes...

My personal rating : five stars, plus an extra star for an excellent joke involving a street preacher of the "Prepare to meet thy doom" variety.
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