Descendant (2022)
something's down there
6 September 2023
Slavery was one of the most important, and most disgraceful, parts of US history. Most of the focus on it emphasizes the plantations, the whipping of the enslaved African-Americans, and the Underground Railroad. A lesser known part is the slave trade itself. Outlawed in 1808, it continued in secret. The last ship to bring kidnapped Africans to the United States was the Clotilda, which docked in Mobile, Alabama, before getting sunk to hide its violation of the ban on slave-trading.

Margaret Brown's "Descendant" focuses on this, as well as the descendants of the enslaved people on the Alabama coast. It's a fascinating look at the aftermath of slavery, and how the descendants of the slaveowners are the biggest landholders in the area. Not to mention the chemical refineries dumping all sorts of toxins.

This is not a documentary that you'll forget anytime soon. I recommend it.
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