Black Gold (1936)
Welcome to poverty row where the good guy wins every time!
20 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Powerful oil man Berton Churchill covets the small but rich oil field of struggling friend Frank Shannon, but friendship isn't enough to erase the dollar signs in his eyes so he resorts to ruthless measures to get it. If he can't get Shannon to sell it to him cheap, maybe he can manipulate Shannon's naive but devoted son Frankie Darro to turn it over. But Darro has loyal friends like LeRoy Mason, Gloria Shea and Fred 'Snowflake' Toones to stand by him, and the bullying tactics of Churchill's henchman Stanley Fields aren't enough.

Surprisingly above average grade D melodrama from the independent Conn Pictures, a small film company where the usual output wasn't so hot. Darro is a likeable young man and had a long stretch of success in playing characters much younger than him, and he's easy to root for. Churchill could have easily played this as a one dimensional fat cat, but layers the character in a way that makes him even more sinister. Darro and Shannon have a few lighthearted moments including an amusing song, and Tombes rises above stereotypes to make his character dignified, loyal and likeable. Under an hour and very much to the point, so well worth checking out.
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