Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor (2022)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
They refuse to stop ruining the show's legacy!
1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just want to start and finish this review by blaming Chris Chibnall for the majority of what's made the show spiral into sub-par mediocrity before we go on. Now that that's out of the way, let's begin:

It's not enough to suffer through Jodie Whittaker's portrayal of the Doctor as a perpetually stress breathing and extremely socially awkward person who poses meaninglessly when using the sonic screwdriver. No, we also have to suffer through the most plain, boring and uninteresting entourage of companions this show has ever had.

An old man with no personality: Grandpa Graham is the most inconsistent, yet boring character I've ever seen. If we remove WhatsHisName from the equation (that would be Ryan. I had to look his name up, because he's so forgettable. In fact, he's so forgettable that they tried to make him interesting by giving him an obscure disability in the first episodes (dyspraxia) before it NEVER became an issue ever again.....).

The only slightly redeemable character is Yasmin, but that's far away from making the show even remotely watchable.

Oh, there was actually ONE character that was both adventurous, charismatic and interesting, but they killed her off more than a season ago! Grace O'Brien!! And with her the entire potential of the 13th doctor era died as well.

The plot has been the thinnest and least engaging I have ever seen. You can tell that the writers (like Chris Chibnall) love being all preachy about EVERYTHING, and that there's not even a little bit of clever writing. Every moralistic point in the story is so obvious and preachy that a 13 year old could have written it as a tweet. It's just slightly away from the point where the actors break the fourth wall to tell the viewer that "this was a metaphor for real life issues, in case you didn't know". They might as well, because the dialogue makes that fact painfully obvious to the point that I suspect they think we are all idiots who can't read subtext or see obvious parallels whatsoever.

As if that wasn't enough, they've switched out the iconic music we've all come to know and love, literally award winning music, with some kind of depressing, ambient, UK version of Misfits Season 1 ambience type of music. I have no idea why. It doesn't fit in with Doctor Who AT ALL!

Please fire Chris Chibnall before he destroys Doctor Who beyond repair. Ooops, too late! He already succeeding in ruining my favorite show and sucking the joy out of more than two consecutive seasons. Thanks a lot, Chibnall!
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