A bear with a cigar
4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In the interview with Sergio Martino on the All the Colors of Giallo blu ray from Severin, he mentions that he only lost money on one movie.

This is that movie.

I watched Un orso chiamato Arturo as it was meant to be seen. On a YouTube link with a Rai Movie HD logo in the upper right corner, in Italian with no English subtitles and with someone else yelling translated Russian dialogue over the existing soundtrack.

George Segal was a big star from when he was in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? In 1966 until the mid 70s. He was so popular that he would show up on The Tonight Show and The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour playing banjo and singing. That led to two albums, the solo The Yama Yama Man and A Touch of Ragtime with The Imperial Jazz Band.

Notable films of his A-list years include Where's Poppa?, A Touch of Class, No Way to Treat a Lady, The Owl and the Pussycat and Fun With Dick and Jane. Segal even hosted the Oscars in 1974 along with Gene Kelly, Goldie Hawn, Walter Matthau and Robert Shaw.

Then things went downhill.

He told the Chicago Tribune: "In the first 10 years, I was playing all different kinds of things. I loved the variety, and never had the sense of being a leading man but a character actor. Then I got frozen into this "urban" character. About the time of The Last Married Couple in America, I remember Natalie Wood saying to me ... "It's one typed role after another, and pretty soon you forget everything. You forget why you're here, why you're doing it." Then my marriage started to fall apart ... I was disenchanted, I was turning in on myself, I was doing a lot of self-destructive things ... there were drugs ... I'm also sure I was guilty of spoiled behavior. I think it's impossible when that star rush comes not to get a little full of yourself, which is what I was."

By the 90s, he was a character actor. And for audiences today, well, he may be better known for his work on sitcoms like Just Shoot Me and The Goldbergs.

But for some time...he was a star. A big one.

At this point in his career, Segal was in movies like Look Who's Talking, All's Fair, For the Boys, Me, Myself & I and the Dolph Lundgren action movie Joshua Tree.

And this brings him to Italy.

Sergio Martino is a director I celebrate. His five-picture run from The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh to Torso may be the most consistent work of any Italian genre director. But by 1992, he was mostly making TV miniseries like Delitti privati in addition to direct-to-video action like After the Condor and erotic thrillers such as Craving Desire and Foxy Lady.

Martino would direct and co-write this movie with Nino Martino, who also wrote The Throne of Fire and Razza Violenta. It was produced by his regular partner, his brother Luciano and shot by cinematographer Giancarlo Ferrando. He was behind the camera for a lot of Sergio's work all the way back to All the Colors of the Dark, as well as working on Detective School Dropouts, Cop Target (a Umberto Lenzi movie with Robert Ginty in it. How did I miss this?), Ironmaster and Devilfish, He directed one of his own movies, La ragazza di Cortina, under the name Maurizio Vanni.

Segal plays Billy, a composer on a tight deadline. He soon meets Alice, who claims that she's his biggest fan, but she's really a spy. She's played by Carol Alt, who took her supermodel career to Italy where she first worked in movies like Via Montenapoleone, I miei primi 40 anni (based on the life of Marina Ripa Di Meana), Bye Bye Baby (opposite Brigitte Neilsen!), Duccio Tessari's Beyond Justice, Treno di Panna, Mortacci, La più bella del reame, La più bella del reame (with Bud Spencer and Jean Sorel!), Miliardi (a loaded cast including Donald Pleasence, Billy Zane, Lauren Hutton, Florinda Balkan, Alexandra Paul - the virgin Connie Swail! - and Sorel), a TV series named Il principe del deserto (Rutger Hauer, Omar Shariff, Elliot Gould, Brett Halsey; Italy was rich in 1991 at least for TV projects!) and a TV movie named Due vite, un destino with Michael Nouri, Rod Steiger, Fabio Tesi and Burt Young, not to mention a script by Dardano Sacchetti!

I'm saying that Carol Alt might be a supermodel but she worked with some of the bigger names of Italian genre and American action film.

The cast also includes Stefano Masciarelli (the mayor in Cemetery Man), Hal Yamanouchi (the only actor I know who can be in a Joe D'Amato movie - Endgame - and a Wes Anderson movie - The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou), David Brandon (Peter from Stagefright, Ariel from Jubilee), Christina Englehardt (Demonia, Skinner) and when Segal wins the Oscar at the end of the movie - only The Lonely Lady and The Howling III: The Marsupials have cheaper looking award shows - it's presented to him by Edmund Purdom. Of course.

This is supposedly a spy movie and, yes, Alt dressed like a geisha and clubs Yamanouchi with an oar at one point. There's also a teddy bear named Arthur that is like a Teddy Ruxbin and holds a secret that everyone wants. At one point, the teddy bear is smoking a huge cigar and talking. It was basically shouting in Italian while someone translated it into shouting Russian and all the whole, poor George Segal is mugging for the camera, hoping that someone somewhere loves him.
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