Green Border (2023)
Impossible to make an opinion based on comments !
5 October 2023
First of all, I've to say that I couldn't watch the movie, up to now.

I write this comment to complain about IMDb policy !

I really wonder how many one day comment accounts are on IMDb ? 70% or more on my guess !

How many times did I come to this site, for any search ? Thousand of times !

Usually I read a few comments, and in the same time check what did the commentator write previously.

And you can guess what happens, so many time : only 1 comment in years... newly accounts... and so on !

Why is IMDb not cleaning its site from trolls and only one day comments within years ?

My simple answer ? It doesn't care !

Made by two passionate people (if I remember well), the site became a huge enterprise, not really caring anylonger about movies, but mainly about cash !

Why not guys ? It's your choice !

Therefore to pretend IMDb has millions of accounts is both true and fake !

Sorry folks, you won't like what I'm writing !

IMDb is now only "business as usual"... Will this pass censorship ?

I'll find out about how real is the 1st US amendment, "Freedom of Speech", at least on IMDb !

NB My rating is based on the benefit of the doubt. Once I'll have seen the movie, I guess I will write another real review, and possibly give another rating !

The stats for this movie, based on 15 "reviews", : 12 (!!!) were made by someone (?) who only wrote one comment and one total rating... (new accounts or old ones).

1 acc/review and 5 total ratings, within 13 years.

1 acc with 130 ratings, with one year.

1 acc with 2700 ratings, within a year.

My little understanding and conclusion : 2 accounts are real... For the 12 or 13 left acc/reviews, I let you draw your own conclusion !
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