Great if you're a fan of the attraction.
17 October 2023
Gabbie and her son enlist a motley crew of so-called spiritual experts including a tour guide, a psychic, a priest, and a historian to help rid their home of supernatural squatters and exorcise her newly purchased mansion.

Directed by Justin Simien, the film offers a Halloween-esque take on the Walt Disney Haunted Mansion attraction, with a likable ensemble cast that makes the ride an enjoyable one. It manages to strike a balance between being creepy and funny, especially for those familiar with the Disney attraction, Haunted Mansion (2003), and the fantastic Muppets Haunted Mansion (2021).

Lakeith Stanfield, Rosario Dawson, Owen Wilson, Danny DeVito and Jamie Lee Curtis to name a few elevate the story and comedy of a haunted old dwelling, and Jared Leto's portrayal of the Hatbox Ghost adds to the supernatural highjinx. The visual effects give it an interesting look, and the script surpasses expectations by establishing a solid emotional foundation for what could have been a gimmick-driven haunted house movie. It's a dark family film with substance and plenty of humour.

Overall, Haunted Mansion delivers for those who have an affinity for the source material on ride on which it's based . However, Disney's marketing, questionable timing of its release and negative critical reception seem to have robbed it of any love it might have deserved.
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