Give Me That Old Time Religion
20 October 2023
I watched the three parts of this depiction of how religion can sometimes be obstacles to achieving certain personal goals and aspirations. In this case, RJ and Chris, two devout Mormons, fall in love during a mission at which they're both partnered. Needless to say, same sex relationships are not only strongly frowned upon, but considered highly immoral and banned within the overall church. They try to find a way to navigate and make it work against the backdrop of the Church doctrine condemning their love. Certainly this type of condemnation is not limited to the Church of Latter Day Saints but also exists within many other religions around the world. I have to say that the writing, direction and acting in all three segments were positive. Nick Ferucci and Ben Farmer are the lead actors who play the beleaguered couple. Their families (especially their fathers) and friends deliver solid performances. Without giving anything away, I thought parts of the trilogy, including the ending, were a bit far fetched. However, they in no way undermined the overall spirit of this excellent series.
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