Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Father and Son (1957)
Season 2, Episode 36
Rare failure of story
24 October 2023
An old man has a son who appears to have no ability to do anything of value.

How did it come to this? Some people have no gifts.

For this, the son, who is now pretty old himself, is demonized by every other character in the story. He becomes a sort of "Frank Burns", but we never really know why.

The son has expensive tastes, so he is roguish, and the father forces him into a corner. The father tells the son he will not get one penny from him, even in inheritance.

The father tells the son to make it on his own. The son has no abilities and no capabilities to get an ability. He is in love with a cheap showgirl for some reason, and this showgirl is hateful to him.

I don't know if the son is masochistic, or if he really feels he is in a corner. This is not a well written piece.

The father tells the son that he doesn't care how the son makes money, so long as he becomes a success. Gee, real morality there, Dad. Lol. So, the son turns in a man accused of a crime for the reward.

The man accused of a crime is his dad's friend, and hiding in his dad's house. When the son turns the man in, even the policeman is hostile to the son, and that's unprovoked, even after the son's information does lead to the fugitive's capture. Bear in mind that the policeman doesn't know the fugitive is innocent, but the policeman also demonizes the son.

Whatever the writer wanted to convey here, the writer truly failed. We have a pitiful character thrown to the wolves and pushed into a corner, and not one character has any credible motivation.
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