No Deposit (2015)
He's A Legend In His Own Mind
24 October 2023
After getting a taste for bad vanity projects, I went searching to find some Canadian grown content. This led me to Frank D'Angelo. A name I wasn't familiar with. At first glance, he appears to be a successful businessman with money based in Toronto. Then the further you read into him and his ventures the murkier the picture becomes. 'No Deposit' is one of a handful of films he made. It doesn't take long for the ego elements to emerge.

Mickey Ryan (Michael Pare) loses his house when the bank calls in his "demand loan". This is the straw that breaks his wife's back. She leaves him taking their son with her. Emotionally crushed, he starts hanging out with two losers (Michael Madsen & Daniel Baldwin). A friendly bartender (Paul Sorvino) tries to warn him, but to no avail. Now homeless & without a family, people he once helped out during better times turn his back on him. So head shaved, a bad neck tattoo later, Mickey's onboard with the two guys to rob the bank that took his house. Oh yeah and successful CEO Jimmy Valenti (Frank D'Angelo) happens to be there at that very moment to verify an 8 mil transfer. You've seen him throughout the tale being nice to everyone around him. Giving away money to charity. Driving a Mercedes Benz. Wearing expensive jewelry.

Eric Roberts plays the bank manager. Robert Loggia is a customer. Peter Coyote the Chief of Police. Doris Roberts (Everyone Loves Raymond) a bingo playing friend of Mickey's mom. Canadian actors Tony Nardi, Tony Rosato, Jason Blicker & Sean McCann play cops. Art Hindle is Mickey's brother. Margot Kidder his mom. However here's the best; Story by Frank D'Angelo. Screenplay by Frank D'Angelo. Directed by Frank D'Angelo. Executive Producer Frank D'Angelo. Casting by Frank D'Angelo. Music by Frank D'Angelo.

If you want to see someone bump shoulders with B movie stars taking easy paychecks, 'No Deposit' is your film. Perhaps any one of D'Angelo titles will do the trick. He's a great man. He's the hero in the final moment. Don't come here for the flimsy story about redemption amidst the financial recession of 2007-09 meant to draw emotions. It's not ridiculously made, utterly cheap or insanely over the top to be funny. This is a vanity project looking for an air of respectability and it fails miserably.
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