Enjoyed It More the Second Time.
27 October 2023
I probably watched this about 8yrs ago. I didn't like it much, but I didn't forget it either. This is a pretty odd film, it doesn't give to many clear answers, and honestly by the end it leaves you with many questions. Jennifer Jason Lee is a stellar actress and she definitely carries the film. We know that she inherited a bought club from her uncle and that she is very traumatized, why doesn't become clear till the end, however, she is trapped in this movie and honestly she doesn't even fight it, she just kind of lets it happen, by Steve Buscemi no less!!! Her actions definitely indicate previous trauma.

The crew who works on the building is pretty hapless, they seem like the worst, and I hate this weird it's overused, misogynistic construction workers in the world. There are no positive decisions of men here and I would daresay it borders on misandry. However, one can also call into question how much of this is accurate, why? This movie is from what would be called an unreliable narrator, we don't ever know how much of what she sees is real honestly. Or if any of it is, it never truly answers those questions by the end, so at the end of the day this film is definitely more style than substance, and portrays victims with ptsd as unreliable barriers, both make and female, as there is definitely a male victim here as well.

About halfway through the movie you start to wonder if any of the events, even if they're not happening to the main character, are happening at all, or if some people even exist. Again, we never get those answers, so yes, it is completely open ended and open to interpretation.

If that doesn't bug you, check it out. I found it to be an interesting tomorrow of sexual trauma and ptsd.
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