Very Important Movie
7 November 2023
"Sound of Freedom" is well-made, well-acted, well-directed, photographed, etc. Technically, it is very well made and the script and pacing are pretty good. It may run a little long, but I never felt it's run time. I was constantly tense and anxious until it ended. I was crying within minutes of it starting. I knew exactly what was happening to the children in the beginning and I began to weep. If you think this stuff isn't happening in America, wake up, it does. I lived close to one of the most busy pets in the US, it was well known that humans were commonly trafficked through there, no one does anything about it. There are a lot of film on this issue, but few have been released to theaters because for some reason, Hollywood is loathe to cover this topic, gee I wonder why?

I have seen this twice, the first time was a wild ride, and I was white-knuckled the entire time, it was tense. The second time I didn't feel nearly as tense. This is a tough movie to watch, but everyone should. It makes me sick when people try to disparge this film with all kinds of lies, whether it be Caviezel, the dirctor(with a false lie of kidnapping, no he didn't fyi), and Ballard himself. Even if all the nasty things they say are true, this would still not invalidate this film. It is a very well-made piece of film that deserves the praise it has. It's a wild emotional ride because seeing children in these circumstances should make you ill, but it is never exploitative, it handles this topic very well.

A lot of people don't realize slavery is still alive and real, they think because it's illegal here in the states that it isn't around. Nonsense. I have personally known someone who was sex trafficked, through definitely not to the extent these children were, she wasn't the only one in the house trafficked, and she later found out they were underage, and that man also did things with little kids. He was caught and sentenced, but not enough are. I know of other cases where sex trafficking was going on, and that man was eventually arrested for something else, I don't know if he ever was caught specifically for that. A friend of mine was instrumental in turning him in, but the others involved likely for away. This is an issue I've been aware and attempted to make others aware of for years, movies such as "Gardens of the Night", unsuccessfully tried to bring the issue to the surface.

I don't care how you feel about can actors personal politics, or even the guy it's based on. The message this movie conveys and the truth it does convey is invaluable. I hope it inspires People to get involved in anyway they can and fight this REAL injustice. Why do you think you see those signs in public bathrooms that say "do you feel like you're being forced to do things you don't want to? Are you afraid? Call this #." If People cared about slavery, they would drop the 150yr grudge on people who are long dead and fight for those who are still enslaved, put your money where your mouth is and stop being selfish. That nonsense is a distraction to keep us from ending the real slavery that still exist.
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