Flipping for Christmas (2023 TV Movie)
How to ruin a story with the lead's first scene
9 November 2023
Abigal goes to a coffee shop, which has a sign: be back in 10 minutes. She asks Bo, who's hanging decorations or some such. A normal person would've said, "She'll be back any moment." Instead, Bo gives Abby grief with multiple evasions to this simple question.

In short, he acts like a grade-A jerk for absolutely no reason. In real life, she'd told him he's a jerk (or a more descriptive term) and absolutely useless. Then, she would've walked (driven) away, probably providing a single-digit salute.

I can't imagine why she ignored his jerkiness and became friends, let alone fall for him.

When they can't reach a decision on the house they inherited, she should've consulted a lawyer and forced the issue.

Most Hallmark movies require a healthy suspense of disbelief--this one is a bridge too far.
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