The Flash (I) (2023)
Actually Thought-Provoking.
9 November 2023
Yes, this is a summer action film, but the story is actually kind of deep. It revolves around a question I've often posed to myself and others, "What would I be like if I didn't go through the struggles I did?" This movie gives an answer. I always figured, you know, I've been through some horrible stuff, but I have an idea of what I might have become without those experiences, and I don't like it. Pain and suffering gives us a perspective that helps us see our circumstances with more brevity, unless we let that pain destroy and consume us. Yes, that is what this film is really about, I found myself very happy while watching this that a mainstream action film dared to explore such themes.

It is a fun movie, I have seen it twice and I enjoyed it equally both times. It was unfairly panned, the fact is, people or rather critics are fatigued by comic book movies, and I don't blame them. I won't watch anything put out by Disney/Marvel, so that leaves me with DC, and overall, I think their movies are far better because they are by and large fun movies. When I go to see a superhero film, I want a fun film. I was never a huge fan of the "Dark Knight" and I enjoy "Batman & Robin", so that should tell you something. I think comic book films are best when they understand how silly they are. The Flash does.

The acting is by and large good, the script is still kind of by the numbers, but again explores some pretty deep themes which really sets it apart. It was extremely fun seeing Michael Keaton back, he is my favorite Batman, and personally, I just want a new Batman movie with him, don't care how old he is. I enjoyed the other surprises, that I won't ruin. I loved the running jokes revolving around pop culture, those were a lot of fun. Again it's just a fun movie with some deeper themes underlying it that it knows how to explore. I don't think the CGI was bad, I've seen worse in Marvel movies. So....

Overall, if you like your comic book movies fun, but with a bit of pathos, you will enjoy The Flash.
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