The Shallows (2016)
9 November 2023
Theirs nothing wrong with the cinematography or sound, those aspects care good, I'm not crucifying those. The acting by Blake Lively is very good, and without bher there is no way this film would work at all, she literally carries it all by herself. She does a good job, and I respect her acting abilities here. Still, I just want a fan, I can see why some might enjoy this, but I found it pretty tedious, and honestly It is simply the films premise in and of itself.

I don't mind far-fetched movies, but this was played 100% straight, it has no campy humor and no tongue in cheek, at all. Given that, I'm supposed to take this seriously, how can I? The entirely plot person is farcical, not only that, this is a short film at Best, it is stretched and stretched, it goes nowhere, and why would this spark keep coming back? Truly, sharks don't behave like this. They typically bite and leave, do I'm having a rough time buying this one right off the bat.

This is supposed to be some kind of deep reflection, as the lead character is dealing with the death of a parent, but honest, I'm not buying it. My husband didn't want to keep watching it, and honestly, I didn't either, but I just hoped it would get better, it didn't. I felt no tension, I want scared, I didn't feel anything honestly, I didn't necessarily care about our characters fate.
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