The Dentist 2 (1998)
The Dentist 2
18 November 2023
The crazed Dr. Feinstone escapes a psych ward determined to rid the world of oral decay in 'The Dentist 2', an average follow up to a 1996 sleeper hit.

The film begins with Alan living out his days in a psychiatric facility following the events of the first film. Cleverly finding a way to escape, Alan makes his way to the sleepy town of Paradise, taking a new identity (Dr. Lawrence Caine). Meanwhile, Alan's wife Brooke discovers he escaped from the facility and begins a search of her own for him determined to make him pay for cutting out her tongue in the first film. While in Paradise, Alan now known as Lawrence meets a beautiful woman named Jamie who has a striking resemblance to Brooke. He begins to fall in love with her very quickly, but still battles impulses on a regular basis.

Feeling itchy to get back into his work as a dentist, Alan murders the local dentist taking his place as the only one in town. Now with his brand new practice in full swing, Alan begins hallucinating again and not being able to cope with his severe OCD, leading him to either hurt or kill many of his patients. A few people in town begin to get suspicious of the mysterious Dr. Caine, but his new love Jamie stands by his side. With Brooke hot on his trail, and the questions of the nosy townsfolk, will the pressure get to Alan once again, or will his new love for Jamie help him see the light?

After enjoying the first movie as much as I did, I know it would be hard for the sequel to match or surpass it - and I was right. 'The Dentist 2' followed the same formula as the first film, just with the added twist of a new location. We get a lot of the same Feinstone breakdowns that we've seen before, not nearly as effective a second time around but still acted well by Bernsen. There was one scene in the movie that was particularly gruesome and that was the torture scene with Bev and Alan. Very well done. But the characters weren't as effective, and it lost my interest a bit mid way through.

Overall, 'The Dentist 2' lacked the originality and non stop roller coaster feeling the first film gave us. But this follow up sequel wasn't all that bad and is worth at least a watch.

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