Mike Flanagan did it - AGAIN!
22 November 2023
This series is perfect. I cannot comprehend how anyone can create such a series with amazing suspense, suburb acting, beautiful and artisti scenery and the feel of utter hell.

I really do appreciate Mike Flanagan's previous work and I thought The Haunting of Hill House was amazing - as it is but this just has everything I need to get glued on my t.v.

The series begins as someone humble and the plot gathers itself nicely, from episode to episode you get these perfect packages of informaation and each episode presents the characters so flawlessly. Yes, they are awful people and they deserve everything they get, in the rhythm of the one and only E. A. Poe.

I love all the more or less subtle hints scattered around. The darkness and the gloom is so near and no one them have any idea about the judgement they receive.

I cannot wait what's next. If he continued to blow our minds like this, I'm going to need a doctor.
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