Winter Star (2022 Music Video)
Colors and light.
25 November 2023
Winter Star tells the story of a woman reflecting upon her life and how she has had all along a guiding light of "love and peace". Upon further pondering, she feels the deeper meaning for herself and the world at large. How the "winter star"(aka star of wonder/star of Bethlehem) had led the three kings to baby Jesus, and the transformation of the world to come. This music video uses the symbolism of light, a positive force in nature, in scenes throughout to superb effect. Besides the Holy family, Christmas is visually represented by snow and (briefly) Christmas trees. The editing and transient scenes move Winter Star along at a rapid pace which belies the song, being itself calming and gentle. Another-words, a mix that works! Giada's performance conveys to us a sense of serenity. The ending is worked out to perfection by the director and chanteuse. Last but not least, the wardrobe department out did themselves!
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