The Twilight Zone: Nick of Time (1960)
Season 2, Episode 7
"I'm the world's biggest jerk"
7 December 2023
Okay... so the title is for all the Shatner haters out there. Despite... his history... ofscenerychewinginStarTrek... and... odd... cadences... oftenassociated... Shatner, in my opinion, did a good job in this episode. Hell, he even managed to look good without having his shirt ripped or torn off altogether, lol. The rest of you need to get a life 😉

On a more serious note, this is an excellent essay in freewill vs destiny; having faith in yourself vs having faith in something outside of yourself. Maybe you just need to have someone who believes in you. Even when... especially when... you may not believe in yourself. Most of us don't have an "easy" life. It does help when there is someone to have our back. Don, in this case, would have been lost without Pat pulling him back from the brink.

As the episode progresses, it's interesting to see the change between them. Initially, Don and Pat are holding hands, or arms around each other... but as Don's superstition kicks into high gear, the connection fades. When they get back to "their" table in the diner, they are now sitting on opposite sides. Pat loves her husband, no doubt in my mind... but she fights for him logically, not trying to belittle him or emasculate him. I say this as someone who will listen and respond to logical, thought out arguments, but hates ad hominem attacks. She doesn't stop loving him at the first sign of trouble, instead she doubles down on her desire to not let *anything* come between her and the one she loves. The world could be a better place if more people had that kind of commitment.

Hi Donsy and Patsy, how's by you? Get the hell out of that town as quick as you can, and call me when you reach NYC.
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