Review of Kir'Shara

Star Trek: Enterprise: Kir'Shara (2004)
Season 4, Episode 9
And so concludes another trilogy of near-Trek that can't keep canon
18 December 2023
Oh where to begin? Most obviously, Foxworth's maniacally emotional performance, which should have him judged insane by Vulcan standards. Not that he's alone: Blalock dishes out quite a few emotional scenes herself, though not as intense. Suffice it to say that her character is consistently more emotional than Bakula's captain. And what happened to T-Pau's accent? This might as well be Abrams Trek.

But why should we even complain: in a show that's full of non-canon details, and frequently scripted straight out of Generic TV Dialog, there's nothing here that evokes TOS or TNG .... and there's plenty to continue the worst aspect of DS9, as the season-long arc means that episodes rarely have a real conclusion. At best, we might feel compelled to see the next one -- but even when some major plot point does resolve (as it does here), it does so with an I-guess-so shrug. Even the worst TOS Trek -- and there was plenty -- knew how to end an episode.

Saving graces include a few performances; Jeff Combs is always worthwhile. But there's only so much to be done when the plot is a mess, and the writing just isn't there. Nice sets and CGI though, and the makeup and costumes are always terrific.
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