All that and no shark
18 December 2023
It's an interesting experience when a TV show jumps the proverbial shark. There's nothing particularly wrong with this episode; it just lacks most of what fueled seasons one and two. Oh, it isn't far off: it's like seeing someone you know do an imitation of someone else you both know. You can see what they're doing and why, but you won't mistake them for the real person.

Take Phryne and Jack outside the interview room. Previously we had Phryne show her cleverness just as Jack was thinking he could do without her; now she just reports -- and helps herself to the interview room. Same with Dottie and Hugh: imagine someone stealing evidence (or breaking and entering) and not getting in trouble. And where Phryne previously got involved due to necessity, now she just does so just to see what will happen (and on just one afternoon's practice). Ah well; it's just entertainment, right?

This is still reasonably enjoyable, and I'm still interested to see more of season three. It's still full of beautiful outfits and vintage decor, even if they did change to a lesser theme song. Miriam Margolyes is included but has nothing really to do. Essie Davis still looks fab. It's a competent TV mystery, but what once sizzled is here just warmed-up leftovers.
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