Accuracy: excellent; Emotion: perfect
21 December 2023
This 17-minute short (available on YouTube) retelling of the Nativity goes for full-on accuracy, following the Gospel accounts rather than more modern interpretations. This includes the characters speaking in Aramaic, the language at the time, including Mary singing in Aramaic a lullaby based on a psalm. There are no translated subtitles because none are needed. The film is about the emotion conveyed by characters and felt by the audience. We don't need to understand the exact words because we always feel and therefore comprehend what is being portrayed. The anxiety and worry for a loved one, the significance of the Child, the gratitude, wonder, and humility as shown by the characters by their expressions, tenderness, and sense of awe. We feel as they feel, we feel more a sense of this is what it must of been like and this, was an amazing event that deserves to be reminisced, honored, and celebrated.
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