How Does This Rate More than One Star?
23 December 2023
Alternative headlines for this review:

No Cliché Left Behind!

And We Wonder Why We Are Such a Violent Country

This movie came from a paint-by-numbers kit, or a boilerplate MS Word program for revenge stories. They're all the same, meaning they all make the same, stupid mistakes, the first being to make a revenge fantasy to begin with. Death Wish: The New Millenia!

Here is the thing, folks, and a lesson so many of us need to learn immediately. We have something called a criminal justice system in this country consisting of three parts: police, courts, and correction. Vengeance isn't justice and shouldn't be made into popular entertainment.

Ever notice that it always rains at funerals in movies? Do they wait around for it to rain before they can bury someone? Imagine how rotten that corpse would be in desert areas? Or maybe just for fun, they could show it raining like crazy at the funeral, then the camera moves back and we see a cemetery employee spraying everyone down with a garden hose just to make it look like rain so they remember to be sad. This movie desperately could have used a joke or two. Like when he was in the tool shed picking out something he obviously was thinking of using to commit murder, maybe he goes from the shed to the kitchen picks up a teaspoon and brandishes it threateningly.

His dead son just won MVP of his hockey team. If he hadn't won the award, maybe dad wouldn't have gone on a murderous rampage because only a dead MVP deserves that. I think there's a lesson in here: there's a lot more to life than a dumb game.

OMG! All of this previous review was written after I'd only watched the first dreadful 15-20 minutes of this horrible film. It gets worse as it goes on, something that hardly seems possible. This was before the gang of thugs running down a crowded street practically begging for witnesses for the first degree murder they are about to commit. Then one comes to where he works, assaults a couple people, then issues a death threat for all to hear. This is a world without police, obviously.

Why didn't he get the kid from Home Alone to help his family out instead of the useless cops who end up dead? That question wasn't rhetorical.
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