Surreal is fine, but
20 January 2024
To say this dream is surreal is an understatement. Surreal is fine; it has its purpose. But that's the problem with this movie; it seems to have no purpose. A brainwashed man waking up to reality? Real life is actually the dream? Who knows... they never really say.

The movie starts off showing all the promise of a true masterpiece, and raised my expectations due to the excellent acting, directing and choreography. But about halfway through the skill and professionalism suddenly turned into something that had all the appearance of a college project running out of funding and time.

The ending is a disappointment as the viewer realizes throughout the entire film no actual point has been made. Is there too much commercialism in our lives? We already know that. Is our society brainwashed by ads and lead to believe we need to buy things that we don't need at all. That is pretty obvious. This film is a long way to go to make obvious points.

In the end what we're left with is a big question mark as to what the writers and director are intending to portray. And despite the enjoyable surrealism-- that surrealism is without point. (The Blue Demon holding a captive really makes no sense at all, as it ties in to absolutely nothing else in the film.) The ending just kind of flops. One hopes to the bitter end they have a purpose to all this, but too late we figure out that if they ever did... they didn't get it across to the viewing audience.

Some people will love this for the art and abstract nature. That's fine. (The solid pink room was a solid start.) Others will dislike it for its totally disjointed and pointless final half... and they won't be wrong. Go into this one with both eyes open and a strong drink.
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