Shocking case of an inept police precinct
23 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This may be familiar to some of you because the story - or parts of it - has been on YouTube for a while. But this is the full story whereas the other dipictions just kind of rush thru the point where the perp leaves clues that lead to his capture. I thought it was well-done if not a bit dragged out. But maybe that's because I knew much of the story going in. I did learn a lot more, though.

What really is most alarming is the cops not only weren't monitoring Aaron's phone in case there really was a ransom but didn't follow up on the incoming calls while he was being interrogated. If they truly thought he was making it up, they would have checked those calls to see if anyone else was involved. They were either insanely inept or covering up for someone. I have to go with Inept since Muller clearly wanted to be caught and wasn't directly related to or involved with any of the cops or agents etc. Muller practically drew them a map to his location.

It's alarming that Mustard got an award that year because it tells us that the only thing that mattered to the Vallejo PD was what showed up on paper even if it were coerced. Those interrogation "techniques" are legal to some extent but they are not allowed to lie to the attorney. Yet here it was years later Aaron and his attorney learned the truth about the polygraph. That's inexcusable.

A lot of reviews point to this as evidence to defund police but that slogan is just liberal propaganda to divide us, number 1; & number 2, the reason a documentary was made is because it's actually relatively rare. All police depts need to do away with any sort of award for high numbers of convictions - that's blatantly obvious. But the majority of cops are honest and we would be in utter anarchy without them. I'm definitly for replacing police cheifs who are shown to ignor complaints, such as Chauvin had 17 brutality complaints from citizens and 4 from fellow officers. He shouldn't have been on the force the day Floyd went to the neighborhood store. Mustard should not be allowed to be on the force after this incident because it was blatantly inept and cost Vallejo over 3 million. There should be no incentive to do your job that causes this level of railroading for a false conviction.

Regardless of how it happened, what's clear in this case is that no one looked at any other theory until the female detective found Muller's phone, years later. No one should be that egomaniacle that they can't have other people look at the case for fresh eyes or discrepancies. Every industry under the sun had this method of finding cracks or better solutions, why not police?

Other vids about this story mention that Muller said he just wanted to see how much he could get away with while being, essentially, very obvious. He even sent crime scene photos to the media the cops ignored. Absolutely mind blowing.

For me, it doesn't say "don't believe anything from the media" it says "Think for yourselves" because what normal couple would make up such an elaborate story even if for attention? But ya, it also says throw out everything you thought you knew about what makes you look guilty or innocent & Never talk to cops without a lawyer.
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