Sixties Kyeee-comedy Romp
23 January 2024
Aging David Niven is married to a woman young enough to be his daughter and is fretting over a firstborn who could be his granddaughter. Filmed in 1968, no one associated with the production seemed to have been aware of what actual hippies looked like. Possibly they were unaware of their existence? Niven's character, a university professor in psychology , is in a fervor to keep his eldest child (a girl just a month from turning 18) a pure virgin. She and the other daughter, a 15-16 year old spend most of their waking hours in bikinis...Dr. Niven has a pool. The eldest was deeply devoted to her high school boyfriend, a character who is rutting and grasping but seems unaware that she has any sexual features below her collarbone. She loudly protests against his behavior, as well she should. His seductive technique recalls a young Donald Trump, who'd have been in his early 20's at the time this was made.

At a rare moment when adults took possession of the backyard pool and patio environs (for a faculty cocktail soirée, w. Prof. Niven resplendent in a white dinner jacket). At this point, sixties physical comedy shifts into high gear. Story professors in formalwear get into unintentional fist fights, fall into the pool, have high speed car chases...

I was a boy in those days and I recall the comedic tropes of Hollywood yuk-fests in those days.

The only thing they left out was a large soap container falling into the pool and generating towering amounts of soap suds that grew to comical heights and somehow caused panic in bystanders and pompous middle aged people. Other than that, this movie has EVERYTHING!
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