Agatha Raisin: Witch of Wyckhadden (2016)
Season 1, Episode 7
Stupidest episode of the first season -- and maybe all seasons
5 February 2024
If this is a top favorite episode, that says something more about the fans than the episode. In five minutes it looked to be terrible, so we skipped over it to the next one ... and came back later, to see if we'd been wrong. And we weren't wrong.

To be fair: it looks great -- maybe the best-*looking* episode of the show. And it would have to be, because it is utterly stupid in every part of its story, scripting, and dialog. Gloppy music sets the mood, but is hardly necessary; the excellent lighting has plenty of mood already. Evidently they got permission to film all over this spectacular estate, and made the most of it, so your eye will not get bored. But honestly: if you watch this episode with the sound turned down, you won't miss anything of consequence. There will be a murder, a few people will get excitable, and it's over. Waste of great cast, though Ashley does look nice in her wig (is that a spoiler?) (No).
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