Review of Ferrari

Ferrari (2023)
The movie was a pleasant surprise, would recommend it to anyone, racing cars fans and not.
5 February 2024
The movie was a pleasant surprise, 7.5/10.

The storyline was only for a small part of Enzo Ferrari's intriguing life and this is something that I liked a lot. All the events shown in the movie took place over a period of some months. It included the car races, family drama and the effort for the survival of the Ferrari company.

The acting was great. Enzo was a unique and complex personality and the acting was certainly of great difficulty, Adam Driver did a great performance and conveyed all the emotional states of his character. Penelope Cruz as Laura Ferrari was outstanding too.

The directing from Michael Mann was really good, I liked the pace of the movie and the result on the screen, it kept my attention in the whole duration, all the sets in Italy were beautifully shown and the racing scenes were iconic, you could feel the high speeds, all the suspense and the great danger that it has.

Overall, I enjoyed this movie a lot and would recommend it to anyone, racing cars fans and not.

The quote that I will remember from this movie is when Enzo Ferrari says "Jaguar races only to sell cars. I sell cars only to be racing.". I think this summarizes what the movie is all about.
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