Bones: The Con Man in the Meth Lab (2008)
Season 4, Episode 9
Great Booth Story
6 February 2024
Great episode of the qualities of Booth protecting his younger brother, Jared. The bull-headed Brennan decides that Booth is the lesser man, until she finally confronts Jared. Shows how much Brennan's respect for Booth goes. Cam was the one to make sense out of the issue, from her past experience with Booth.

Brennan doesn't have that respect for Booth. That lingers in the entire series. Booth has ethics (although rather static), and Brennan has "logic". When dealing with "logic", humans do have a possibly predictable pattern, but she is oblivious. Later in the series, it gets worse.

For some unknown reason, in one of the last scenes, Booth is holding a shotgun (not his typical pistol) and pointing it at the sheriff who is holding onto a hostage. A shotgun would be loaded with 6+ pellets of buckshot that would rip both people apart. In addition, the cocking of a hammer is heard ... the shotgun has no external hammer to cock. Rather disappointing error in firearms which is par for the course. The sheriff's body was hit by multiple pellets ... while he was driving ... only his head would have been a target from the back windshield. Ridiculous.

And Brennan criticizing Booth for protecting his brother. Gynocentricism at its finest. Yes, of course, she is "logical".
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