Doctor Who: The Giggle (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
14! not 15!
6 February 2024
I used to really like this show but I was frankly, somewhat repelled by the 13th. No disrespect to Jodie Whitaker but the Doctor had quite an odious personality for a little bit.

I respect what they're doing with these specials: by this point many adults have Tennant as their childhood doctor and he's still an active, hirable actor, so baited us back with an impression that things were going to be like their were.

This fun science fantasy yarn moves at great pace. It's not strong as a satire since it's barely satirizing anything other than that people keep getting angry and...karen-y for lack of a much better word.

I'm pretty sure there is some kind of commentary there deep down but it's original enough with some cool set pieces and a charismatic villain and plenty of call-backs without making any of them feel cheesy or lazy.

I thought it might just all be ridiculous but the celestial toy-maker was great villain.

It does get annoying hearing people freak out and make terrible arguments like on political facebook but I suppose that's the point.

Regarding the plot point that they cannot just pass the immunity collars to everyone: I get it. It makes sense that one should not accept a personality altering device distributed by the government but they should have been less heavy-handed about it. Showing that clip of the American was too much. And why were they American? It's too bad that someone in the production of this show had such a chip on their shoulder about the Americans being...karen-y.

Americans are so not karen-y...that they popularized the term is testimony to that. Maybe.

I don't want to spoiler the final act but I think you will be pleasantly surprised by one thing or another.

Too bad they ruined some of it in the promos.
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