Misunderstood but excellent movie
23 February 2024
Pierce Brosnan has taken a few extremely interesting roles in the last decade. Some, like 'Urge' didn't quite land. 'False Positive' however, is excellent.

Since A24 began supporting surrealism pretty much since it began operating its been at the cutting edge of Western filmmakers creating surrealist horror, drama and thrillers.

Whilst I won't go into the plot it's important to note this film has a message. It's an uncomfortable one, and I suspect it's been met with considerable negativity because of its stark message.

Many people have commented that they didn't understand the film, and I'm at a loss as to why. It's not like 'False Positive' is overly laiden with metophor like many other movies have been.

Sure, it doesn't reveal itself straight away, but by the end, it's made its point very clearly. It reminds me of the recentish 'Resurrection' in tone, another misunderstood movie.

I believe the lack of 'getting it' is something that will be rectified once more people actually see this film. At the moment, the majority of those who seem to dislike it either didn't understand it, or didn't get the horror movie they were hoping for.

I hope Brosnan takes more interesting roles like this, he was exceptionally good. I also hope the director hasn't been too overwhelmed by the bad reviews, and pursues more interesting projects like this.

Many of today's most cherished movies were poorly recieved when they were released initially. I don't know if film as we know it will even exist in 20 years, but if it does, I hope 'False Positive' is given a fresh release and is seen for the bold, well acted movie it is.
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