23 February 2024
Just perfect.

Cary Grant in a an early role without the annoying slickness.

Great direction.

An intelligent script.

Great acting - Jean Arthur v v funny.

Two scrumptious male leads. Who could possibly choose!

Love it.

From Wiki

Production The Talk of the Town began with the working title "Mr. Twilight", but Cary Grant insisted it be changed, suspecting that, if the movie appeared to be about a single male character, Colman, who had the better role, would steal the show.

While Grant was paid $106,250 for The Talk of the Town and Colman $100,000, Arthur earned only $50,000, partly as a result of ongoing conflict with studio head Harry Cohn.

The title The Talk of the Town was registered to Universal Studios, and Columbia had to give them the rights to use Sin Town in return. Other titles considered for the film included "Three's a Crowd", "The Gentlemen Misbehave", "Justice Winks an Eye", "In Love with You", "You're Wonderful", "A Local Affair", "The Woman's Touch", "Morning for Angels", "Scandal in Lochester", "The Lochester Affair", and even "Nothing Ever Happens".

Principal photography, originally scheduled to begin January 17, 1942, was delayed following news of the death of Carole Lombard in a plane crash while selling war bonds in the Midwest. Stevens, who had directed Lombard in the 1940 film, Vigil in the Night, halted work on the set and sent both cast and crew home.

The role of Colman's valet, played by Rex Ingram, was at the time a rare example of a non-stereotypical part for an African-American actor. Also unusual was the presence of two leading men: at this point in their careers both Grant and Colman had been used to having that role all to themselves. The situation is reflected in the plot, since audiences are kept guessing until the end who Arthur's character would choose to marry. Stevens filmed both versions, leaving it to test screenings to determine the ending.

Stevens and Arthur, both known for perfectionism and attention to detail, enjoyed a close working relationship on The Talk of the Town, with Arthur calling Stevens her "favorite director" and Stevens describing Arthur as "the finest actress he ever worked with".
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