Underrated picture
25 February 2024
Garson received her sixth of an eventual seven Oscar nominations for Best Actress in a Leading Role, though she'd already enjoyed what would be her only win for Mrs. Miniver by this time. The quality of her work during this period, 1939-1945, is simply amazing, really one of the best outputs of all time. Her nomination was well-deserved for many reasons, including her handling of an Irish accent (Garson was not Irish born, as she claimed through much of her life, but British) and her deft portrayal of a relatively complex character, Mary Rafferty. Garson developed a sort of mini-specialty playing bright, attractive, working-class women.

The Valley of Decision would be the third feature film for a new young star who at that time was taking Hollywood by storm, Gregory Peck.

Peck's performance was naturally good too. I like his more intense roles more (Cape Fear ,The Guns of Navarone") , but Perk could do romance ...think Roman Holiday ! He does have several moving scenes in which he fights to save his father's steel mill from labor strife and his wastrel siblings.

An extra-special treat in this movie is a very young Jessica Tandy, playing Peck's selfish wife, Lucille. Tandy brings poignancy and raw emotional power to the small role.

Steel separates 1873 Pittsburgh into rich and poor, master and worker, powerful and powerless. On one side is Paul Scott, the progressive son of a steel mill owner. On the other is Mary Rafferty, daughter of an embittered laborer who was crippled in a mill accident. When Mary takes a post as housemaid at the Scott mansion, she and Paul fall desperately in love. But a bloody strike may tear the city -- and the lovers -- apart. Surging with passion and strife, featuring a commanding cast that includes Greer Garson, Lionel Barrymore and Gregory Peck (the relative newcomer created a sensation as the romantic, intense Paul), The Valley of Decision is a prime example of prestige filmmaking during Hollywood's Golden Age. 8/10.
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