Review of Strange Days

Strange Days (1995)
an exercise in boredom
3 March 2024
You have to read the program to have any idea what is going on in this dull collection of dull images.

It begins with one of the worst and undeniably one of the dullest opening scenes. Some guys in a car making noise, looking like they are robbing something, but they just make noise in a car.

If you can stay awake through that, you won't be able to stay awake through any of the subsequent scenes which are just.dizzy.

You can't understand most of what is being said, especially from what is apparently the lead character.

The scenery is the dullest that director can find. Motor vehicles, city streets, bars, the dull things that only the biggest dorks on Earth can watch without falling asleep while watching.

Whatever action takes place is just mindless boggle.

What's it about? Who knows? Who cares? It does cure Insomnia. Still, this is obviously a training film for "how not to make a movie".
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