Review of Sybil

Sybil (2007 TV Movie)
A Remake With Some Merit
5 March 2024
When it comes to remake's I'm definitely not a fan but have given some a chance. My judgement watching a remake is very tough because it has to at least be somewhat near the original. It's been 48 years since the original with Sally Field and Jo Ann Woodward and their performances were incredible. Now watching the new version my first thought was of course the two main leads Tammy Blanchard and Jessica Lange were good.

Here they mainly show the child abuse in small pieces focusing mainly on character and patient study between doctor and patient. Their performances are good and together they compliment the original. Tammy Blanchard kinda had big shoes to fill playing the part of Sybil, Jessica Lange herself gave a stellar performance. It's hard to compare both movie's as they both covered a case unheard. The one thing that grabbed my attention quickly was the length. They took a 3 hour movie and made it a 85 minute one. So what impressed me is this movie isn't rushed they just don't focus that much on the abuse the original did but focus on the treatment.

I would recommend this as this one actually stands tall by itself and doesn't insult the original. Shockingly this movie wasn't up for any Awards such as Emmy or Golden Globe and both actresses gave award worthy performances in my opinion.

The only thing that hurt this movie from getting a 10/10 from me is that even though this movie wasn't rushed it doesn't give ample time to feel the main characters. It jumps too fast and feeling for them becomes a challenge. Still I give it a 8/10 for a great try.
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