Out of Africa (1985)
This is a magnificent, intelligent, moving film
8 March 2024
Is Out of Africa Based on a true story?

Isak Dinesen's book was a memoir: that is, she related the story in part and gave it certain flourishes that were only approximately true. The Hollywood film "Out of Africa" was loosely based upon her rendition and four other books by or about Isak Dinesen, whose real name was Karen Blixen.

Pollack hit the Oscar jackpot with this sweeping romantic epic, a sort of "Gone with the Wind" set in Africa. This epic drama charts the journey of an affluent, worldly-but-somewhat-naive young woman, Karen "Isak" Dinesen (Meryl Streep), from her marriage to the aristocratic Baron Blixen (Klaus Maria Brandauer), a friend and sometime-lover who commits to her mainly for money, to her evolution as an strong plantation owner, avid storyteller, and survivor, set against 1900s colonial Kenya. Her marital arrangement leaves her feeling abandoned and unappreciated; she'd hoped to at least develop a deep friendship -- even love -- with her often-absent and unfaithful husband, but it doesn't appear to be. But she finds solace in Denys Finch-Hatton (Robert Redford), an adventurer who teaches her much about independence, love, and Africa, and, in the end, remembering.

If you didn't know any better, you'd swear it was some young Danish actress cast for the sake of authenticity in the American film. But it's not. It's just a girl from New Jersey, Meryl Streep. Meryl has set the standard for acting in accent. She's given us Danish in "Out of Africa, Meryl makes it look easy. Meryl Streep developed her accent by listening to. Actual recordings of Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen) reading her works.

Awards & Nominations for Meryl Streep David DiDonatello Award - Best Foreign Actress Kansas City Film Critics Award - Best Actress Academy Award - Best Actress in a Leading Role Golden Globe Award - Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama Los Angeles Film Critics Award - Best Actress British Academy Award - Best Actress

This is, for me, Sydney Pollack's masterpiece. "Tootsie" finds Pollack in full command of his talent, perfectly blending comedy, romance, satire and pathos is a close 2nd Out of Africa , a period piece is right down my alley. How good is this film? So good that I can even accept Robert Redford in the Finch-Hatton role, a role for which many would think he would be ill-suited--the all-American leading man playing an English adventurer & hunter, and playing it with no English accent because . . . Well . . . He's Robert Redford and I suppose he doesn't need accent! 😉

Cinematographer David Watkin's work is praised for capturing the film's beauty. The widescreen shots of the African landscape, especially during the flying scene, are said to perfectly capture its dangerous beauty. Watkin wins the Oscar for Cinematography for Out of Africa

John Barry's score is also praised for its ability to express the magnificence, grandeur, and wonder of the African vistas. The score won Best Score at the 1985 Academy Awards and includes Mozart's Clarinet Concerto and haunting African music

Out of Africa won Best Picture at the 58th Academy Awards in 1986. The film also won Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay

Out of Africa is Meryl Streep at her iconic best, armed with a flawless accent and a deep understanding of her character. Streep owns every inch of this film. As good as Redford is ...it's Karen Blixen's story and Redford's Finch Hatton merely plays a meaningful part in it. Much admiration for Sidney Pollack's brilliance and for putting together a team of people both in front and behind the camera that have created such a entralling film. All the Actors were superb with Meryl setting the pace for the 2 hours and 41 minutes long piece of outstanding cinema.

This is a magnificent, intelligent, moving film . 10/10.
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