Excellent adaptation of the syndicated series!
8 March 2024
I was a fan of the "Poor Man's 'Twilight Zone'" as some have dubbed the anthology TV series this movie was based on. They had some really good segments. This movie continued that model.

I was really impressed with what they came out with! Unlike try to rehash or remake some episodes of the original series, they presented new stories for the big screen. (POSSIBLE SPOILER: Really four of them if you count the boy telling the stories to his woman captor!)

Many movies based on TV shows don't make the grade (especially today). This one did it right. I mentioned The Twilight Zone which also had a movie update (released in 1983), I rate the Tales from the Darkside movie over it!

If you are a fan of the TV series, this will be a treat. If you have never heard of the series and horror movies are your thing, this will not disappoint!
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