Review of Alone

Alone (V) (2020)
29 Minutes And 17 Seconds
15 March 2024
Other than wondering what why the hell the main character even bothered with a U-Haul trailer when she had a half-filled extended car with roof racks, it rolled out pretty well until the inevitable moronic decisions begin racking up. By 29 minutes and 17 seconds it was time to admit this was going nowhere and time to check the reviews.

I was right. It was going no where fast; nothing fresh or entertaining beyond slack-jawed, drooling fools that enjoy the same old, same old stupidity of lame thriller attempts.

Holy hell, I had the same trailer on a recent move and had more than that on the roof rack. Also:

1. Why don't single women on trips carry, oh I don't know, ANY kind of defensive weapon like, just a suggestion again, A GUN? If that guy pulled half the INITIAL creepy sh$t to any farm gal up here in Powder River County, Montana, he'd be cold on the ground. Each time. Speaking of, she could have cold-cocked him with a full soda can when climbing in her car. Or maybe going OUT your side?

2. Perhaps report it to the police with a full description instead of waiting for the 3rd hostile act? There are these things called vehicle models and license plates.

3. Where the hell does this take place? Down at the end of Otter Creek here that nonetheless still has white lines on the road and even the occasional other car? Half of it looked like it was shot on park or camping lanes. What happened to the rest of the world?

Oh boy, dumped in the serial killer room. Oh, that's right. She escapes and the stichk is about wilderness. Except not any "wilderness" or even a dense city park I see from other comments. My remote farm's east border is that of Custer National Forest. A long creek valley, hilly grass prairie up to steep, forested and incredibly complex canyonlands. I ... or even my 8-year old nephew ... could easily ditch a brigade on foot. The mere chances of meeting or catching up with someone would be impossible if the runner had any brain cells engaged ... hell, enough visitors and hunters get lost/separated as it is with full plans, radios and GPS! Glad I stopped it.

Get with it, filmmakers. Constant roll-out of shlock; does ANYBODY there have any talent left? Seems not at all. Go outsource. Getting old.
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