Red Dwarf: Tikka to Ride (1997)
Season 7, Episode 1
The worst Red Dwarf episode
16 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My least favourite Red Dwarf episode. From the very start, the jokes are noticeably weak or heavily recycled and the characters feel off. The wit and comic timing from Series 1-6 is gone, although it does return (in a way) from the next episode onwards. The canned laughter is played over not-very-funny jokes, which is jarring.

It makes no sense that they're able to go back to Earth. In the previous episode, they even made a joke about only being able to go back in time to medieval deep space. Now suddenly, they're able to return to Earth from deep space? So why didn't they go back to 22nd century Earth? Or even present day Earth just 1 week in the past? Does Lister like being stuck 3 million years in future deep space? They didn't seem shocked at all when arriving on Earth. In fact, it all seemed like run-of-the-mill stuff.

Red Dwarf has always been very silly and that's why I love it so much. In every episode though, it's silly, but there's an intelligent backdrop. This episode just throws all that out the window and is pure silly - to the point it might as well be a cartoon. Why would they appear at the exact moment the gunman's shooting JFK? Why is it Lister that knocks the gunman out the window?

The scenes in this episode seem longer and more drawn out than others. There are moments where I found my attention wondering and had to keep going back to rewatch scenes because they were so uninteresting.

I've seen every episode Red Dwarf, but this is the only one I really struggle with. How it has a good rating I have no idea.
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