Naked Weapon (2002)
Sexy, naked killers,
19 March 2024
Madame M, kidnaps forty pre-teen girls to train them as the world's most deadly assassins. But as adult's the highly sought after killers main goal is to eliminate the person who scarred them.

Director Tony Ching offers a mix of compelling elements. While the film presents great action setups and an intriguing concept, it also includes some hard-to-watch abuse scenes that may unsettle viewers.

The performances by Maggie Q, Anya Wu, and Daniel Wu add a little depth, enhancing the overall rushed production. Maggie Q stands out, showcasing her talent in action sequences and dramatic scenes.

Despite its flaws, Ching delivers an engaging high concept. It's not just sexy, naked killers, with its blend of intense action, suspenseful moments, and strong performances makes it a worthwhile watch for those seeking a mix of adrenaline and drama.
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