The Twilight Zone: Nick of Time (1960)
Season 2, Episode 7
Pat should of got an annulment.
23 March 2024
Wonderful seeing William Shatner as odd ball Don. Stafford Rapp (Chief O'Hara) in Batman) here is a generic car mechanic. The highlight of the episode were the actors and their performances in a too simplistic script.

I know these stories will defy logic but this one was way over the top. Pat (Patricia Breslin) we're supposed to believe just is finding out Don has some mental issues.

More imagination in the writing instead of the dry predicability could have made for a more memorable story. Especially the fact a young man is just recently married having his attention stray off his pretty bride to his bizarre obsession so easily had a creepy vibe to it.

Not a total time waster. But, only an ok episode.
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